Portfolio Category: 1. Ideation

Value mapping

Value mapping What is it about? Link your purpose with the intended value you want to capture for your stakeholders. Go a step further and brainstorm on the possible value missed with your current idea. Is your solution capturing every possible value or are there missed opportunities or even value destroyed in the process? Why …

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Offering diagram

OFFERING DIAGRAM What is it about? Can you roughly describe your business offering? Can this proposition be distinguished between core offer and additional/complementary services? Why is it relevant? Your new business idea may have several features. Some are core, some are additional. You may want to focus first on your core offering and later on …

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Stakeholders mapping

Stakeholders mapping What is it about? Stakeholders mapping is the visual process of laying out all the stakeholders of an organisation, or project, in one map. The main benefit of a stakeholder map is to get a visual representation of all the people who can influence your transition project and how they are connected. It’s …

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Defining purpose

DEFINING PURPOSE What is it about? Before going deeper into the details of your circular business model, you should crystalize your ideas in the form of basic what/why/for whom questions Why is it relevant? Explaining what you want to do in simple sentences will help you validate the core of your new business idea. Steps …

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