Creative debugging

What is it about?

The Creative Debugging tool can be described as a progressive and in situ design approach that is in the spirit of Living labs and any other type of participatory design / user-centered design approach aimed at anchoring the creative process within the community of users for whom it is intended, or even to co-produce this approach with the users. It is akin to a peddling of the initial concept which is gradually transformed and refined in contact with reality. This peddling process is carried out by the creative team itself and not through a third party. As a result, the process of creative consolidation of the initial idea takes place through progressive twists in constant contact with the reality on the ground

Why is it relevant?

Key points of the Creative Debugging tool

  • An investigation process led by creative skills;
  • An iterative process of refining the concept in contact with reality;
  • A co-creation approach involving actors in the field.

Steps to conduct this activity

  • Select part of the business model you want to validate (User acceptation of the solution, Pricing of the solution..)
  • Define possible options to test
  • Develop your investigation scenario: field interview, etc..